Marine Research Organization Viking Explorer

About Us

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The Marine Research Organization Viking Explorer was founded in June 1996, with the purpose to work with research in, and the protection of endangered marine environments. We think, the protection of endangered environments will only be efficient when the necessary knowledge has been established. This means we work on a) the establishment of the knowledge necessary for the protection of marine environments, and b) the information of the general public, politicians, other scientists and people, wh o have to make decisions about the worlds marine environments.


Non-profit / non party political organization

Viking Explorer is an independent research organization. All our staff is working on volunteer basis, and we are independent of any political or economical organization .



Viking Explorer is exclusively funded by it\rquote s members contributions, funds and partially by sponsorship, as long as a sponsorship agreement does not conflict with the credibility and ethical standarts of our research.



Viking Explorer offers different kinds of membership.
SUPPORT MEMBERSHIP is open for anyone who wishes to support our work. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP is open for people with an education in biology , psychology, ecology and other education relevant for our research, or students of such education.

HONORARY MEMBERSHIP is open for people who have made special contributions to our research, or representatives of other organizations, institutes etc..

SAILING FOR THE SEA CLUB. Our Sailing For The Sea Club is open for skilled sailors, owners of boats etc.. who wish to contribute to our research by wor king as boat crew, skippers, or make their boat available for our projects.



Viking Explorer is co operating with a wide range of researchers from various universities, institutes, environmental organizations etc.. In order to use our limited resources as efficient as possible we combine our members volunteer efforts w ith the work of guest researchers and/or partners, such as universities, institutes etc.. Viking Explorer, on the other hand, makes it\rquote s materials such as sailing boats, instruments etc. available for researchers. This combination guarantees a maximum result for the available means.


Publication of results/ influencing the public

Viking Explorer is based on information rather than spectacular media stunts. We publish our research results on websites and in reports, we advise politicians and organizations who are able to influence politicians decisions, and we in form the public by offering slide shows and information to schools, organizations etc..


Visit our sponsors:

ANIMAL PLANET Discovery Channel MP-sails

| Animal Planet | MP-sejl | Fuji Film |

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